Online Electonics Shopping For Best Christmas Presents - Garmin 305 Forerunner For The Athlete

 Why online electronics shopping? Because the best buys at bargain basement prices are online!

Let's suppose you want the best Christmas presents for the athlete/fitness fanatic on your list. You peruse the electronics bestsellers and discover several amazing gadgets - elliptical machines, mp3 players (for entertainment), and motivational tools like the Garmin Forerunner 305.

You consider buying a Garmin GPS Forerunner 305 at Not only is the price much better than a retail store, you get all the information you can possibly want about the Garmin Forerunner 305 - including feature descriptions and hundreds of independent reviews.

What's Unique About The Garmin Forerunner 305?

Let's do a walkthru of the main benefits of this state-of-the art workout tool. First, unlike other models that CLAIM to fit on your wrist, this one is small enough. From my experience, wearing a training tool on your upper arm feels more than a little awkward.

Second, the Forerunner 305 tracks heartrate. So what? The run of the mill sports tool does not track lap and average heartrate, and heartrate zones like the Forerunner.

Why is this important?

The most recent research favors interval Best split air conditioner, and a sophisticated monitor is a must to measure and maximixe performance.

Next, this sportwatch contains performance tracking software to determine if you are meeting your pre-set targets. This is why it's a true motivational tool - you can record key factors such as calories burned, distance, elevation, grade, and lap and pace modes.

And just when you are thinking - will it pay my pay my bills, too (unfortunately it will not) - you find out it's capable of basic navigation functions like mapping and routing.


The majority of reviews for this training tool are positive - as of this writing, 1373 out of 1520 (90%) buyer reviews are 4 or 5 stars (5 is the highest). My recommendation is to read the Most Helpful Reviews first, and then decide if this is the best sportwatch value for the money.

In a few minutes, you can make an informed purchase decision about the Forerunner 305 without leaving the comfort of your easy chair. Ain't online electronics shopping grand!
